
The On-Time Blitz!

The school day begins promptly at 8.30am. At this time we begin our day with important notices and launch straight into our learning. This is often a time of receiving instructions before a learning task begins and when students miss this part of the day, they miss critical learning.
We have too many students arriving after 8.30am, some arriving after 9.00am.
We understand from time to time there can be unexpected events which result in bringing your child/ren late but the teachers are noticing a continuous pattern of regular lateness and often from the same students.
We want your child to get the most learning they can. We want your child to hear those important notices. We want your child to learn that in life time matters and it is respectful and important to be on time.
So we need your help.
At 8.30am students should be inside their classes ready for a great day of learning.
We will be launching into our “On-time Blitz” and encouraging all students to be at school before 8.30am.
Thank you to all those parents who are already supporting this rule.