Science fair - August 2016

Judges, Andy, Ian, Myles, Briana and Amanda.
Congratulations to the Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 students who participated in the Science fair.  Thank you to all the parents who supported this event, There would have been many busy households as students worked on their projects.
A special mention to the judges;  Ian Buck from Samoa AgriBuisness Support, Andy McCallum from Oceania Gas, Amanda Wheatley and Briana Fruean from SPREP and Myles Wilkinson, Scientist and Engineer.

Prize Winners 2016
This was not an easy task to judge and all judges commented on how impressed they were with the quality of entries.  VBS would like to thank SPREP for their support with this event and the Prize bags given.  

This will become an annual event at VBS so start thinking about your project for 2017!


Read more about it by visiting the Samoa Observer